ITC : Instrumental Transcommunication

Ron "The Yacman" Yacovetti
& Lourdes Gonzalez
GonYac Paranormal is dedicated not only to investigating historic and residential locations said to have paranormal activity, we are also routinely experimenting with spirit contact in weekly sittings at our home studio. DRV: Direct Radio Voice requires a consistent routine, which we have adhered to for over 6 years !

TDSE: The Digital Séance Experience
Ron Yacovetti and Lourdes Gonzalez hold public sittings, of their newest fusion of methodologies known as TDSE: The Digital Séance Experience. This represents the focused resonance of a traditional séance, combined with the digital medium white noise based communication

Lecture Series:
The Digital Seance Experience
Analytic Idealism & ITC
Join Ron and Lourdes for a presntation that will not only make you rethink everything you thought you knew about spirit communication, it will make you realize that what the phenomena may be capable of, is beyond all of our preconceived notions!
From theory, philosophy and history, to evidence files that will redefine the word "WOW" - you may want to grab a seat for the next lecture presentation !

Ron Yacovetti’s journey through ITC reflects a dedication to advancing the field through rigorous research, innovative methodologies, and a commitment to public engagement. His work, influenced by pioneers and enhanced by modern technology, continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in communicating with the unknown. Ron is an exemplary leader, visionary, and mentor in the ITC community.
— M.D.Jackson, Obscura Vox ITC